Where do orders ship from?AdelaCreations Shop is based in Seattle! All orders ship from Washington State!

Do you ship internationally?
Yes but not on this platform! I have an Etsy shop that is for UK and International customers only! You can find it here!

Do you returns or exchanges?
All sales on Adela_Creations are final! I am an independent artist that purchases limited stock and cannot handle the capacity for exchanges and returns!  All item descriptions, sizes, and details are made clear on the listings, so make sure to read them over before making your purchase!

Where can we find you on social media?
I'm on almost every social media platform! Find me on Bluesky, Tumblr, and Twitter at @adelacreations! Instagram at @adela_creations!

When do you ship out orders?
All orders (unless noted as a preorder) will be shipped every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday! 

What happens if my packages goes missing?
If there are any problems with your tracking, please contact your local post office or the contact number provided on your tracking link! Unfortunately, we are not responsible for packages once they are in the hands of the post office. 

I gave you the wrong address/my item has been returned, what can I do?
Your order can be reshipped once it is returned to me as long as the shipping is paid once more!

If you put the wrong address please contact me by my email with your order number and the correct address! Please make sure to provide me with your correct information!

Explain 'Sticker Shipping'

Realistically, it costs me more to ship out tracked orders where people just ordered stickers. So when you order just stickers, please select that shipping option. Please keep in mind that it will be mailed as a letter and does not include tracking.

All Customers who live outside of the United States are responsible for paying their country's proper customs, VAT, and taxes. I am not responsible for Customs Fees or VAT fees. 

Any other questions you can contact me on my social media DMs or my email: [email protected]